I wanted to take Nicole to the Grand Ole Opry but they don't have regular shows again until February. I decided to try to get tickets to the Bluebird Cafe. Jeff and I had such a great time a few months ago, I figured it would be a fun activity. Getting tickets is no joke and I tried for Tuesday night but couldn't land them. I some how lucked out and got tickets for Wednesday night. I got amazing seats and we had a great time! It really is a fun place to go and the music was great. I love the Bluebird!
Thursday, December 31, 2015
picking granite and a museum
On Tuesday we had to go look at some granite samples in Clarksville. Nicole was such a good sport to come along and was so helpful watching the girls while we looked through slabs. The lady who worked at the granite shop had some dogs there and that helped entertain the girls.
After we were done with granite we thought we would try this museum that had really good reviews. It had some interesting information and a really fun kids section downstairs with trains and a little pretend store area and lots of discovery toys. It was a fun day and we appreciate Nicole's willingness to use some of her vacation to help us with the granite selection!
After we were done with granite we thought we would try this museum that had really good reviews. It had some interesting information and a really fun kids section downstairs with trains and a little pretend store area and lots of discovery toys. It was a fun day and we appreciate Nicole's willingness to use some of her vacation to help us with the granite selection!
country music hall of fame
On Monday we took Nicole to see the Country Music Hall of Fame. We went to lunch at the Cracker Barrel first and Heidi tried on the cutest coat while we were waiting for a table. The girls were pretty good at the museum. They especially loved the table where you could color a costume for a performer. They would have been happy to sit at that table the whole time. The museum was really crowded this time for some reason but we saw some interesting things and had fun together. It was a fun day!
fun with auntie n-dogg
Friday, December 25, 2015
christmas 2015
We had a very beautiful Christmas day. There was a thunderstorm that woke us all up around 5, but luckily the girls just stayed in bed until about 6:30. They all held hands and walked out to the living room. They found their stockings and were overly thrilled about everything from a pack to gum to nail polish. It was very fun to watch. Caimbree was so cute because she just watched her older sisters for cues to see what to do and then followed along. She was excited about everything in her stocking. The only thing Heidi didn't want were the clementines. She used to like them but recently decided they were too hard to chew so she told Savanna she could take those. Savanna happily accepted. The way the conversation went was hilarious and we are grateful we got it on video.
After the girls were done looking at their stockings we made german pancakes with buttermilk syrup. Everyone enjoyed them. We started a new tradition this year. We made a manger and all month we have been doing acts of service for each other, friends, neighbors, and the community. We have put pieces of straw in the manger for each act of service to make the manger softer for baby Jesus. These were our "gifts" to the Savior. Last night we put the manger under the tree and this morning the baby Jesus was in our manger. Before we opened presents, we read through each piece of hay. It was so fun and really brought the spirit into our home. There were so many things I didn't remember or know the girls had done! The girls were so excited to read them and didn't care about waiting to open presents. I am excited to keep this tradition going for years to come.
Caimbree opened the first present and it was so cute how the older girls sat around her and coached her how to open it and we so excited for her.
We took a long time to open presents. Not because we had a ton, but because the girls would get a book and then we would stop and read the book. It was so fun.
All Savanna wanted this year was this little purse with chapstick in it. Heidi picked that out as her present to Savanna and was so excited to see her open it. Savanna also decided to give Heidi the same thing. They opened them and kept hugging each other and telling each other thank you. It was so sweet. I love, love, love that my girls have each other.
All Heidi wanted was a Doc Mobile. Santa brought it for her and she so very excited. She has been a busy little girl today fixing her animals and using the walkie talkies grandma H gave her to communicate where the sick animals were with Savanna and Jeff.
Savanna's nose started to get a little stuffy this morning and I think she is getting a cold. It didn't seem to slow her down and she doesn't have a fever or anything, just a little congestion and seems a little more tired than usual. Hopefully it will pass quickly, but I am very grateful everyone was healthy for Christmas.
Heidi and Jeff went to work putting together a Lego Frozen castle when the little girls took a nap. They had a lot of fun together and I loved watching them hard at work.
To end our day we had the missionaries over for dinner. We have really enjoyed our missionaries and have them over as often as we can. We were happy we got them for Christmas and enjoyed their company and Christmas message. Heidi and Savanna played a few rounds of Hungry, Hungry Hippo and thought that was so fun. Overall, it was a pretty perfect Christmas! I can't believe it already came and went and we are headed towards a new year. Merry Christmas!
After the girls were done looking at their stockings we made german pancakes with buttermilk syrup. Everyone enjoyed them. We started a new tradition this year. We made a manger and all month we have been doing acts of service for each other, friends, neighbors, and the community. We have put pieces of straw in the manger for each act of service to make the manger softer for baby Jesus. These were our "gifts" to the Savior. Last night we put the manger under the tree and this morning the baby Jesus was in our manger. Before we opened presents, we read through each piece of hay. It was so fun and really brought the spirit into our home. There were so many things I didn't remember or know the girls had done! The girls were so excited to read them and didn't care about waiting to open presents. I am excited to keep this tradition going for years to come.
Caimbree opened the first present and it was so cute how the older girls sat around her and coached her how to open it and we so excited for her.
We took a long time to open presents. Not because we had a ton, but because the girls would get a book and then we would stop and read the book. It was so fun.
All Savanna wanted this year was this little purse with chapstick in it. Heidi picked that out as her present to Savanna and was so excited to see her open it. Savanna also decided to give Heidi the same thing. They opened them and kept hugging each other and telling each other thank you. It was so sweet. I love, love, love that my girls have each other.
All Heidi wanted was a Doc Mobile. Santa brought it for her and she so very excited. She has been a busy little girl today fixing her animals and using the walkie talkies grandma H gave her to communicate where the sick animals were with Savanna and Jeff.
Savanna's nose started to get a little stuffy this morning and I think she is getting a cold. It didn't seem to slow her down and she doesn't have a fever or anything, just a little congestion and seems a little more tired than usual. Hopefully it will pass quickly, but I am very grateful everyone was healthy for Christmas.
Heidi and Jeff went to work putting together a Lego Frozen castle when the little girls took a nap. They had a lot of fun together and I loved watching them hard at work.
To end our day we had the missionaries over for dinner. We have really enjoyed our missionaries and have them over as often as we can. We were happy we got them for Christmas and enjoyed their company and Christmas message. Heidi and Savanna played a few rounds of Hungry, Hungry Hippo and thought that was so fun. Overall, it was a pretty perfect Christmas! I can't believe it already came and went and we are headed towards a new year. Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 24, 2015
a very merry christmas eve
I love Christmas Eve. I might even like it more than Christmas day. I just love that there is still so much anticipation, everyone is usually very happy, and the girls are excited about our fun traditions. We started the day by getting donuts. Donuts are my weakness so we only get them once a year and Christmas Eve is our day! The weather here is amazing. I mean, some people might not like warm Christmas weather, but I love it. It was 70 degrees and absolutely beautiful! We spent almost the entire day outside jumping on the trampoline, playing on the swing set, and riding bikes at the lake.
We made homemade pizza for dinner and then read the Christmas story in Luke and finished up all of our other scripture reading we have been doing as we studied the birth of Christ and Christ's ministry this month. Then we had hot chocolate, opened Christmas jammies, went to look at Christmas lights, and watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Savanna was a little concerned about Santa coming and a strange man being in her house when she was asleep. She has been extra fun this year with all of the Christmas stuff. My favorite thing is that all of the presents she knew, she told and it was hilarious the way she so innocently told. Really it was just me and Jeff
but it was sooooooo funny. She was looking at the presents under the tree with Jeff and picked one up and when she felt it she got this big twinkle in her eye and said, "Oh dad, this must be your sweater!" Then when I came back from getting my hair done, I asked what they did and she stuck her finger up and said, "Oh! We got you a pink purse!" It was seriously the cutest thing and of course Heidi's eyes got big and she got this panicked look on her face and said, "Oh no, Savanna. You forgot, we just got her shirts."
I am excited to see their little faces tomorrow morning. I love them all so much and hope they have a really special Christmas.
but it was sooooooo funny. She was looking at the presents under the tree with Jeff and picked one up and when she felt it she got this big twinkle in her eye and said, "Oh dad, this must be your sweater!" Then when I came back from getting my hair done, I asked what they did and she stuck her finger up and said, "Oh! We got you a pink purse!" It was seriously the cutest thing and of course Heidi's eyes got big and she got this panicked look on her face and said, "Oh no, Savanna. You forgot, we just got her shirts."
I am excited to see their little faces tomorrow morning. I love them all so much and hope they have a really special Christmas.
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
18 months
This little sweets turned a year and a half on December 19! I have been trying to take some pictures of her but there hasn't been a good time. Today I finally just took her out and grabbed a few. Caimbree cracks me up because I can very seldom get a picture of any of her true expressions. I don't know how she can possibly be halfway to two already. We love her sweet, calm little personality so much!
*Starting to talk quite a bit and we have even heard her combining a couple of words together. The words she says the most are: baby, mama, dad, stuck, fork, spoon, up, down, drink, and more. She also likes to make the animal sounds especially the sounds of dogs, cats, cows, ducks, and horses.
*When she wants to tell you something she pats you and makes grunting noises.
*When she wants to tell us something she grabs our hand and says, "Come here" which sounds like, "mere". She especially likes to haul Jeff around.
*Loves to play hide and seek and is so adorable about hiding and seeking.
*Caimbree still falls a lot. I am still not sure if there isn't something more going on than just being a little clumsy.
*Caimbree has 12 teeth and has recently started working on her canines. We can't wait for them to make their debut, as they are making our generally cheerful little girl a little grumpy and tired from interrupted sleep.
*Caimbree just wants to feel like she's part of whatever the big girls are doing. She follows them around and wants us to help her to do whatever they are doing at any given moment.
*She loves books and loves it if we can spend large amounts of time reading to her.
*Loves to snuggle when she wakes up in the morning and after a nap.
*She will equally go to Jeff and I and doesn't seem to mind if I am not around. She is my only baby who has been this way and I'm not going to lie, it makes me a tiny bit sad. However, it makes Jeff so happy because he gets a lot more snuggles and loves than he ever got with the older two.
*Generally goes to bed around 8 and gets up around 6:30 when she hears her sisters. Takes a nap around 12:30/1 and usually sleeps about 2-2.5 hours.
*Caimbree is a pretty good little traveler.
*She is really easy going and tends to just go with the flow.
*She can throw quite a fit when she doesn't get her way.
*Loves to be outside and especially enjoys going for walks and jumping on the trampoline.
*Goes to nursery without a problem so far and according to her leaders she is the best kid in there.
*Caimbree is so obedient. If I ask her to do anything, even if it's something she really doesn't want to do (like give me her binky) she complies.
*Caimbree loves to be out and about.
*When we have people over, she happily just follows along with whatever the other kids are doing.
*She is pretty good at entertaining herself.
*Prefers to feed herself and is getting really good with a spoon and fork.
*If the older girls are upset about something, she will give them a hug and kiss.
*Absolutely loves baby dolls and hugs them and kisses them all day.
*Loves to climb on chairs and the table.
*I took her in about a week ago for something and she was around 19 pounds.
Honestly, Caimbree is just about as dreamy as an eighteen month old can possibly be.
There are no words to describe how much we love this sweet little girl. If they all came like her, I would have a million. Happy half birthday, pretty girl!
*Starting to talk quite a bit and we have even heard her combining a couple of words together. The words she says the most are: baby, mama, dad, stuck, fork, spoon, up, down, drink, and more. She also likes to make the animal sounds especially the sounds of dogs, cats, cows, ducks, and horses.
*When she wants to tell you something she pats you and makes grunting noises.
*When she wants to tell us something she grabs our hand and says, "Come here" which sounds like, "mere". She especially likes to haul Jeff around.
*Loves to play hide and seek and is so adorable about hiding and seeking.
*Caimbree still falls a lot. I am still not sure if there isn't something more going on than just being a little clumsy.
*Caimbree just wants to feel like she's part of whatever the big girls are doing. She follows them around and wants us to help her to do whatever they are doing at any given moment.
*She loves books and loves it if we can spend large amounts of time reading to her.
*Loves to snuggle when she wakes up in the morning and after a nap.
*She will equally go to Jeff and I and doesn't seem to mind if I am not around. She is my only baby who has been this way and I'm not going to lie, it makes me a tiny bit sad. However, it makes Jeff so happy because he gets a lot more snuggles and loves than he ever got with the older two.
*Generally goes to bed around 8 and gets up around 6:30 when she hears her sisters. Takes a nap around 12:30/1 and usually sleeps about 2-2.5 hours.
*Caimbree is a pretty good little traveler.
*She is really easy going and tends to just go with the flow.
*She can throw quite a fit when she doesn't get her way.
*Loves to be outside and especially enjoys going for walks and jumping on the trampoline.
*Goes to nursery without a problem so far and according to her leaders she is the best kid in there.
*Caimbree is so obedient. If I ask her to do anything, even if it's something she really doesn't want to do (like give me her binky) she complies.
*Caimbree loves to be out and about.
*When we have people over, she happily just follows along with whatever the other kids are doing.
*She is pretty good at entertaining herself.
*Prefers to feed herself and is getting really good with a spoon and fork.
*If the older girls are upset about something, she will give them a hug and kiss.
*Absolutely loves baby dolls and hugs them and kisses them all day.
*Loves to climb on chairs and the table.
*I took her in about a week ago for something and she was around 19 pounds.
There are no words to describe how much we love this sweet little girl. If they all came like her, I would have a million. Happy half birthday, pretty girl!
Saturday, December 19, 2015
construction begins
Thursday was a very exciting day for our family. It took us a long time to feel comfortable building again. Then it took us a long time to find a house plan that we really wanted to build. Then it took a long time for the bank to finish the paperwork. Then the weather didn't want to cooperate. On Thursday, the tractors showed up and as of today the footings are completely done and it is ready to be blocked.
I was surprised just how excited the girls were. I wasn't really sure they cared that much but now that it is really happening they keep asking to go see where they are working (previously they would moan every time we would stop by the land) and they keep saying they are excited to see the house when it's finished. We have been picking things out for the last few weeks and we are so happy to officially feel like we have a home here and that we are really invested in our town. It's a very exciting time and we feel very, very blessed to have the opportunity to build again.

christmas at opryland
Tonight we went with our friends to see the lights at Opryland. The traffic from the mile before the exit to get off to the parking lot was insane, but we made it and had a great time! The lights were so pretty and the girls were excited to be there with their friends and throw their coins they have been saving into the fountains. The girls got to bed really late and I am sure we will pay for it tomorrow, but we are glad we went. I can't believe it's almost Christmas! Where has the month gone? We will definitely do Opryland again next year!
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