Saturday, October 25, 2014
carving pumpkins
For our family night activity we carved two of the girl's pumpkins. We saved one to do a little closer to Halloween, which is great since the two we carved are sinking in a little already. The girls had a lot of fun and Heidi kept telling us they were "healthy" pumpkins. The girls are so excited for Halloween, and so are we. It's looking like the weather will be nicer to us this year. Heidi has a preschool Halloween party Wednesday, we have the library party Thursday, and then Friday we have a trunk-or-treat. We are extra, extra excited because we found out grandpa and grandma are coming this year. Heidi keeps saying, "I can't believe grandma is going to be here to see me as a witch!" and Savanna just keeps saying, "Grammy! Grammy!" Heidi is going to be a witch and Savanna keeps saying, "VITCH! VITCH!" in a very loud, funny, excited tone. Savanna is going to be an owl and when you ask her what she will be she says, "WHOOO! WHOOO!" and Caimbree will be our little lion. Hooray for Halloween! It has always been one of my favorite holidays and it is extra fun with little ones around.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
four months
Happy 4 months to this little love bug! Caimbree turned 4 months on Sunday and we had her shots today.
*I thought she would have brown eyes but her eyes keep getting more blue.
*Blows lots of bubbles.
*Loves to laugh and we love to hear her laugh.
*I would say she's a mix between Heidi and Savanna as a baby...not nearly as high strung as Heidi was but not quite as easy going as Savanna. She is pretty chill most of the time, but when she is mad, she let's you know loudly. Savanna always plugs her ears when she cries.
*Has rolled from her tummy to her back about 5 times in a row, but hasn't done it since.
*Sucks on her hands a lot.
*Has started noticing her hands and I often see her hands in front of her face.
*Definitely wants mom when she is upset.
*What little hair she has in falling out, especially the back. She has bald spot all around the middle of her head.
*Not very tolerant of bows.
*Loves her bath.
*Only likes the hospital binky and refuses any other. She can't keep the binky in so it is a constant game of her pulling it out and screaming and us putting it back in.
*Coos a lot.
*Likes to be held most of the day and prefers to be held facing out.
*Likes her play mat and bouncy seat. She likes to coo at the animals on her bouncy seat.
*The doctor said it was okay to start cereal, but I am not ready to start that anytime soon unless she starts acting like she really needs it.
*Names we call her include Caimbers, Caimbree Rae, Mai Me (Savanna's name for her), and Rae Rae (a name Heidi started calling her one day).
Length: 23.5 inches--10%
Weight: 11 lb 2 oz--below 5%
I think the majority of her weight is in her cheeks! We love those sweet chubby cheeks!
*Caimbree is a master at grabbing anything and everything. She especially loves to grab Heidi's hair and her binky.
*Hasn't been sleeping very well for about 3 weeks or so. She usually goes down around 7:30 and then has been waking up either around 1am or 4:30am or both. Last night she went down around 8:30 but then kept waking up after 20 minutes and finally settled herself around 9:30, woke up at 3:30 and got the binky and then stayed asleep until 6:30. It's very inconsistent and I have no idea what to do or what I'm doing wrong. I'm sure she will grow out of it with time.
*Usually takes a shorter nap in the morning, longer afternoon nap, and a short evening catnap. Still really no
consistent schedule but until her night sleep is established I'm sure we won't see much of a schedule.*I thought she would have brown eyes but her eyes keep getting more blue.
*Blows lots of bubbles.
*Loves to laugh and we love to hear her laugh.
*I would say she's a mix between Heidi and Savanna as a baby...not nearly as high strung as Heidi was but not quite as easy going as Savanna. She is pretty chill most of the time, but when she is mad, she let's you know loudly. Savanna always plugs her ears when she cries.
*Has rolled from her tummy to her back about 5 times in a row, but hasn't done it since.
*Sucks on her hands a lot.
*Has started noticing her hands and I often see her hands in front of her face.
*Definitely wants mom when she is upset.
*What little hair she has in falling out, especially the back. She has bald spot all around the middle of her head.
*Not very tolerant of bows.
*Loves her bath.
*Coos a lot.
*Likes to be held most of the day and prefers to be held facing out.
*Likes her play mat and bouncy seat. She likes to coo at the animals on her bouncy seat.
*The doctor said it was okay to start cereal, but I am not ready to start that anytime soon unless she starts acting like she really needs it.
*Names we call her include Caimbers, Caimbree Rae, Mai Me (Savanna's name for her), and Rae Rae (a name Heidi started calling her one day).
Overall, Caimbree is a delightful little girl.
I still can't believe she is already 4 months old.
She is definitely loved around our house!
We love you, Caimbree!
Sunday, October 19, 2014
a day at the pumpkin patch
On Friday we went to Utah to surprise Jeff's mom for her birthday. We had so much fun and it was so fun for the girls to see some of their cousins. I think it is so sad that they hardly ever see any cousins because they always have so much fun! On Saturday we went to Hee Haws so the girls could get their pumpkins. Poor little Savanna just does not travel well because she has such a hard time getting normal naps and sleep so I don't have quite as many pictures of her. Heidi had so much fun and could have stayed all day!
I think the corn box was probably the biggest hit. They all had fun rolling around, falling, and getting buried in the corn.
Katyln is always so good with all of my babies! I actually had my hands free most of the time we were there and Caimbree loved the extra attention!
Jeff tried to snap Savanna out of her mood by taking her on the giant slide. I think she liked it, but she didn't want us to know.
Heidi loved the slide too and could have spent hours soaring down with her dad and cousins.
Heidi had so much fun with Kourtney and so did Savanna. Savanna called her "Korky"and is still asking for Korky.
Savanna was her happiest at the petting zoo. It was fun to see her run up and pet the little billy goats. She would barely touch it and then run away squealing.
I think the corn box was probably the biggest hit. They all had fun rolling around, falling, and getting buried in the corn.
Katyln is always so good with all of my babies! I actually had my hands free most of the time we were there and Caimbree loved the extra attention!
Jeff tried to snap Savanna out of her mood by taking her on the giant slide. I think she liked it, but she didn't want us to know.
Heidi loved the slide too and could have spent hours soaring down with her dad and cousins.
Heidi had so much fun with Kourtney and so did Savanna. Savanna called her "Korky"and is still asking for Korky.
Cousins!! My girls seriously love them so much! Wish we could have convinced Savanna to be in the picture too.
The petting zoo was a hit. Heidi loved feeding and chasing the animals but she was a little unsure when the sheep snotted on her and refused to feed them after that happened. She has reminded me about what happened quite a few times today.Savanna was her happiest at the petting zoo. It was fun to see her run up and pet the little billy goats. She would barely touch it and then run away squealing.
Savanna also managed to give the littlest billy goats a few kisses.
Savanna is definitely my animal lover!
Grandpa and Grandpa paid to let Heidi ride a pony. I couldn't believe she got on because we have gone down this road before and it hasn't ended well. It helped to have Kourtney doing it too and she is really starting to try new things better than she used to. She loved the little pony ride!
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
little dancer
Monday is dance day...favorite day for a certain little 4 year old. I snatched a few pictures while I watched her practice. I can't believe how much she has improved and how well she follows directions and tries new steps. I am so grateful to her wonderful teacher for making dance such a fun experience for my little Heidi.
We love dance!
It was hard for Heidi to wait
all summer to start up again.
We are glad it is finally here!
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
The other day we were on our walk and Savanna started her jibberish talking.
Heidi: Do you speak Chinese or something, Savanna?
Me: Maybe she was made in China.
Heidi: Except she doesn't break.
Can you tell she listens to Jeff a little too often? Oh my, I was laughing so hard.
And oh Savanna. I know I say it all the time, but she is such a ham. She is constantly doing the funniest little things to make us laugh. She will do just about anything to get us to laugh at what she's doing. I have a feeling she will be my future fellow prankster.
Heidi: Do you speak Chinese or something, Savanna?
Me: Maybe she was made in China.
Heidi: Except she doesn't break.
Can you tell she listens to Jeff a little too often? Oh my, I was laughing so hard.
And oh Savanna. I know I say it all the time, but she is such a ham. She is constantly doing the funniest little things to make us laugh. She will do just about anything to get us to laugh at what she's doing. I have a feeling she will be my future fellow prankster.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
It's been awhile since I have posted so I thought I would do another iphone photo dump to show a few things we have been up to. One day Savanna found the childproof safety things that go in the electric outlets. Since I refused to let her have a binky, she decided they might work instead. It gave me and Heidi a pretty good laugh. Especially since she started making the little "mmmm mmmm mmmm" noise she makes when she puts a real binky in. Oh Savanna. She really is a little ham.
It's my turn for preschool this month and I have been loving it!! I like it so much better when it's at our house so I get to teach and so I don't have to say goodbye to Heidi. We have had so much fun this year and it is much more enjoyable now that they are a year older. Such a fun little group of girls and I am glad we didn't keep Heidi out of it. She loves Tuesday and Wednesday.
Heidi also loves Monday because dance started!! She couldn't take a nap because she was way too excited so she hung out with me and practiced taking videos and photos on my phone. We both had a lot of fun, and a lot of laughs. Love this big girl of mine. From the time she woke up she said, "Is it 3:30 yet?" She LOVES, LOVES, LOVES dance!!
These two love each other so much. They don't get along perfectly all of the time, but they are both lost without each other. I caught Heidi convincing Savanna to sit on her lap so she could read to her. So cute.
Heidi was being such a big helper with Caimbree while I was on the treadmill. She is a fantastic big sister.
Savanna is growing up so fast! Just in the last 3 months she seems so much older. She keeps us laughing every day.
Caimbree is getting a little bigger and stronger every day. Her cheeks are so chubby and we love to kiss them. Sadly her good sleeping has disappeared for the last week. This was about the time Heidi randomly stopped sleeping through the night. She usually wakes up once but has a hard time falling back asleep, which makes her overtired and cranky during the day. I am sure that once she can get her binky herself she will probably start sleeping again just like Heidi and Savanna did, but if not, we will love her anyway. This too shall pass and one day we will wake up wondering where our little baby went.
Savanna frequently nurses her babies...from her belly button. It makes me laugh every time she does it.
Not much else really going on around here other than enjoying the nice weather we have been having and enjoying fall. Everyone at our house is pretty excited about pumpkins and Halloween right now! We love October!
It's my turn for preschool this month and I have been loving it!! I like it so much better when it's at our house so I get to teach and so I don't have to say goodbye to Heidi. We have had so much fun this year and it is much more enjoyable now that they are a year older. Such a fun little group of girls and I am glad we didn't keep Heidi out of it. She loves Tuesday and Wednesday.
Heidi also loves Monday because dance started!! She couldn't take a nap because she was way too excited so she hung out with me and practiced taking videos and photos on my phone. We both had a lot of fun, and a lot of laughs. Love this big girl of mine. From the time she woke up she said, "Is it 3:30 yet?" She LOVES, LOVES, LOVES dance!!
These two love each other so much. They don't get along perfectly all of the time, but they are both lost without each other. I caught Heidi convincing Savanna to sit on her lap so she could read to her. So cute.
Heidi was being such a big helper with Caimbree while I was on the treadmill. She is a fantastic big sister.
Savanna is growing up so fast! Just in the last 3 months she seems so much older. She keeps us laughing every day.
Caimbree is getting a little bigger and stronger every day. Her cheeks are so chubby and we love to kiss them. Sadly her good sleeping has disappeared for the last week. This was about the time Heidi randomly stopped sleeping through the night. She usually wakes up once but has a hard time falling back asleep, which makes her overtired and cranky during the day. I am sure that once she can get her binky herself she will probably start sleeping again just like Heidi and Savanna did, but if not, we will love her anyway. This too shall pass and one day we will wake up wondering where our little baby went.
Not much else really going on around here other than enjoying the nice weather we have been having and enjoying fall. Everyone at our house is pretty excited about pumpkins and Halloween right now! We love October!
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