Last Saturday we took the girls riding in the mountains. Have I ever mentioned how much we absolutely love being so close?? It is so wonderful and we love to be there with our girls. We couldn't have picked a better time to go--the colors were gorgeous!! These pictures don't do what we experienced justice. The girls loved seeing the colors. I love fall. Definitely my favorite time of year.
Savanna snuggled up with Heidi in the backseat most of the time, until she got really tired and fell asleep helping Jeff drive.
Heidi enjoyed everything about the day except for the mud puddle we went through. She got one spot of mud on her head and could not wait to get home and take a bath...even after we wiped it off. We told her the more mud you have on you, the better the ride. She didn't buy it.
There is nothing better than enjoying nature with my little family.
Caimbree was a dream. She slept for some of the day and cooed and smiled when she wasn't asleep. She loved the little hike we took when we stopped for a picnic lunch.
Seriously. Dream baby. Love her chubby cheeks.
I wish fall colors and fall in general lasted longer. I'm glad we were able to spend such a fun day together.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Saturday, September 20, 2014
savanna banana
Friday, September 19, 2014
three months
It's baby is already 3 months old!! What a doll she is and I am not quite sure how we ever lived without her. We think Caimbree is about 23.5 inches and probably close to 10 pounds, but since we don't have shots this month, we don't have anything official!
*Has discovered her tongue and loves to stick it out a great majority of the day.
*Loves to be held and cuddled, although she also enjoys her play mat and bouncy seat sometimes.
*Fairly tolerant of tummy time, although I am not so great about remembering tummy time everyday.
*Enjoys her bath unless she is hungry or tired, but definitely doesn't like to be cold.
*Coo a lot. We love hearing her little voice.
*Pretty mellow, but if she ever does get upset, she lets you know loudly.
*Sleeps from about 8:30-6:30, although there have been nights where she is up around 2 or 3. If she does get up in the middle of the night, it's a huge pain because I can't ever get her to go back to sleep in her bed.
*Tends to take a few short cat naps in the morning, a longer afternoon nap, and a couple short cat naps to get her through to bedtime.
*Gets lots and lots of kisses and hugs from her older sisters. She is definitely loved around here.
*Absolutely loves to be talked to.
*Pat-a-cake is her very favorite game.
*Stating to get a bald spot all around the middle of her head.
*Loves our morning walks and loves to be outside.
*Prefers to be held by mom or dad, but isn't too terribly picky yet. I have a feeling I have another mama's girl on my hands, but it's too early to tell.
*Wearing mostly 0-3 months, but can fit in newborn pants.
*Seems to be quite easy going.
*When I read to the girls she likes to be a part of the fun.
*Doesn't like to be left in a room alone.
*She gets called by her first and middle name a lot. We have never really called either of the other girls by their first and middle names, but it just seems to fit.
Overall, Caimbree is just a sweet, cuddly
little girl! We absolutely love
having her in our family.
We all have so much fun getting her to laugh
and smile.
We love you Caimbree Rae!!
Monday, September 8, 2014
caimbree's special day
Caimbree Rae was blessed Sunday by her dad. I love that my girls have all been blessed by their dad and I love this picture of Caimbree and Jeff. Caimbree is such a sweet little angel baby and we are so blessed to have her little spirit in our home.
Unfortunately all of our family lives far away so Jeff's parents were the only ones who were able to make it. I wanted to invite a bunch of our friends from Green River but we needed wood and I knew it was going to be a long day for Jeff and his parents and no one would feel up to entertaining. Plus, I knew there was no way I could get my house company ready and have food prepared for so many people with all 3 girls underfoot. Either way, it was a nice day and we now have enough wood to keep us warm this winter.
Jeff and his girls. I know I have said this a million times, but Jeff really is the best dad to his three little girlies.
Caimbree wore the dress my grandma made for me when I was blessed. All 3 of my girls have. I love how simple it is. She looked beautiful and I was happy with the bow I found for her.
Unfortunately all of our family lives far away so Jeff's parents were the only ones who were able to make it. I wanted to invite a bunch of our friends from Green River but we needed wood and I knew it was going to be a long day for Jeff and his parents and no one would feel up to entertaining. Plus, I knew there was no way I could get my house company ready and have food prepared for so many people with all 3 girls underfoot. Either way, it was a nice day and we now have enough wood to keep us warm this winter.
Jeff and his girls. I know I have said this a million times, but Jeff really is the best dad to his three little girlies.
I just love my little girls! I still can't believe I got three girls. I always wanted girls and had hoped for at least one. Now I have 3. So happy!
I am so grateful grandma and grandpa have been at all 3 of my girl's blessings. My girls sure love them!Caimbree wore the dress my grandma made for me when I was blessed. All 3 of my girls have. I love how simple it is. She looked beautiful and I was happy with the bow I found for her.
Oh my goodness. My heart is just so full of love for this special little girl.
I know she was supposed to be in our family and I feel so blessed that she joined us.
She is happy and easy going and if she ever is fussy, I usually know exactly what she needs. Thank you for coming to our family, Caimbree! You are loved and adored by all who meet you and you have completely stolen our hearts.
You have a great life ahead of you, Caimbree and we are excited to watch you grow and learn.
mud camping
Savanna literally all.night.long. As in, I did not sleep for one second. The whole time I was up all I could hear was the rain pouring down. By morning the rain had turned to snow. Yes, snow. Heidi woke up and started saying, "Merry Christmas!" It was crazy. I told Jeff to just take me and Savanna home because she seemed to be getting worse. He decided we could all just go home since we wouldn't be able to go riding or anything. had rained so much that everyone's trailers were stuck. We finally had to just leave them there and go back when it dried out some. We took Savanna to the Urgent care to find she had an ear infection and strep throat...again. My guess is that she got it from the stinking doctor's office. Please tell me why they have toys in a doctor's office. It irritates me to no end. Either way, the poor little thing as miserable. We put her on the only antibiotic she hasn't had a reaction to and she started feeling better. Of course she was supposed to take it for 10 days but there was only enough for 8 days. The pharmacy is an hour away so I didn't go get more. I hope it doesn't screw her already awful immune system up. From these pictures you would never know she was going to get sick in a few hours. You gotta love how fast that strep hits and how it seems to come from out of nowhere. I really, really hope next summer we have more opportunities to the sunshine!! I guess we made some new memories either way!
Saturday, September 6, 2014
labor day weekend
We had a fun Labor Day weekend. We took the girls down to the Ogden Utah temple open house on Saturday. We couldn't get a great picture of the girls with the whole temple on our phones and I was a little nervous about Heidi holding Caimbree for too long, but at least we got something.
The Ogden temple is our temple and it was so fun to see it all finished. I am so glad we went. Heidi kept asking to go back the second we walked out the doors. A week later she is still talking about the temple and asking if we can go see the one Jeff and I were married in. She keeps saying, "Mom, I like how I feel in the temple." So glad we went and that she could experience that feeling.
The Ogden temple is our temple and it was so fun to see it all finished. I am so glad we went. Heidi kept asking to go back the second we walked out the doors. A week later she is still talking about the temple and asking if we can go see the one Jeff and I were married in. She keeps saying, "Mom, I like how I feel in the temple." So glad we went and that she could experience that feeling.
The girls loved the horses that were on the street and wanted to pose with them.
This was definitely their favorite horse.
They also got to check out the horse at Fort Bridger on Monday when we went to the Mountain Man Rendezvous.
Besides enjoying the museum, they each got to pick a little bead necklace...definitely the highlight of of the day.
We went to lunch after the rendezvous. It was a bit of wait since there were so many people in town, but Heidi didn't mind spending the time snuggling her pal. It was a fun weekend and we were just oh so very happy to have Jeff home for an extra day. We sure miss him around here lately.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
I wasn't going to do preschool with Heidi this year...well, I was, but I was just going to do my own thing. I had a lot of reasons why I opted out this year, but mostly it had to do with feeling so overwhelmed with 3 little ones age 4 and under. Everyone said how hard it would be...and it is. I rarely have 2 minutes to get anything done and I don't feel like I am sufficiently meeting the needs of any of my girls. My friends tried to talk me into joining the group all summer, but I just didn't want to. Well, last night they asked me one last time and after thinking about it and talking it over with Jeff, we decided to let Heidi be with her friends. I realized that all of the reasons I was keeping her out, were selfish reasons. She wanted to be with her friends and she loved preschool last year. Me keeping her home made it easier for me. Plus, Jeff and I feel that she really does need something more and that she gets bored at home. So, here we go! She went to her friend Evie's house this morning and she could not wait. She was all smiles this morning and was begging to go starting around 6:30am. I think it will be at our house next month so I better start preparing. After seeing the joy on her face when I picked her up and hearing her tell me all about her day, I felt good about the decision to do preschool again...even though I missed her like crazy the two hours she was gone. Savanna may have missed her even more. Poor little thing bawled her eyes out the whole ride home and kept screaming, "HEIDI! HEIDI!" It really is such a cute group of girls. Happy first day of preschool, Heidi. It's going to be a great year!
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