The little girl who first made me a mom is now a big four year old! It really does seem like yesterday we were bringing her home, yet I have a hard time remembering what life was like before we had her. She has brought so much joy and love into our home. Here are a few things about Heidi at 4.
*Lately she likes to dress herself and will occasionally pick dresses. Then she will tell me all day, "I'm really into dresses lately."
*Starting to enjoy chapter books and I am loving it! So far the Junie B. Jones series is her favorite.
*Favorite day of the week is library day when she gets a new stack of books. I don't see her a whole lot on library days because she wants me to read them all to her when we get home and then she hangs out in her room reading them to herself the rest of the day.
*Still a mommy's girl but she doesn't freak out like she used to when I leave the room or the house or drop her off somewhere.
*Starting to enjoy her independence.
*Has an incredible memory. I am shocked at what she remembers. One time I told her to remind me to get lemon juice next time we went to the store. Literally 3 weeks later when we went she said, "Oh and don't forget the lemon juice."
*Has a very,very large vocabulary. It cracks me up though because she will oftentimes use words incorrectly. For example, this morning she said, "Come on, Savanna, you little reconcile baby." I asked her what that meant and she said, "Oh, it just means she likes binkys."
*She is really enjoying learning to write all of the letters.
*Loves to color.
*If she can't do something or doesn't want to do something, she will say, "I will do that when I'm 5."
*Great helper.
*Loves to sing and remembers words to songs like I cannot believe.
*Is shocked out of her mind when someone doesn't follow the rules and talks about it for months.
*You know when she is tired because she does not handle it well. That is when we see fits and she gets super, super sassy.
*Goes to bed around 8 and is up about 6:30 and takes a nap from about 2-4. I am ready to be done with the nap, but I am hanging onto it just a little longer while Caimbree gets into a better routine.
*Hates to be dirty or sticky.
*Super responsible.
We love you, Heidi!
You are so smart and we love watching you learn, grow, and become more independent.
We can't imagine life without you!