Monday, October 31, 2011


Jeff is working graves for Halloween (lame, lame, triple lame), so we took Heidi early to all the businesses that were giving out candy.  Heidi has a major, major sweet tooth and while we were chatting with someone we knew, she somehow managed to take this candy from her bag and bite into it...foil and all.
Thank goodness I was able to get the foil out.  So funny.
  • I definitely did not go all out for a costume.  When I bought Heidi's birthday outfit, I bought it with the intention of using the tutu for Halloween.  I was going to get a tiara but since Heidi doesn't keep things like hats on her head, I figured it was a waste.  I'm glad I didn't because she wasn't even having the tutu, but once she started getting the sweets, her mood improved.
In other, not Halloween news, Heidi is a total complete girly girl.  From the way she holds her hands to how picky she is about wearing the shoes or boots she wants, she is all girl.  She is more than willing to let me put the bow in and is almost to the point where she will keep it in for more than two hours.  Now to get her to sit still so I can work on trying some new things with all those luscious locks!

We love this girl!
Just because it's so funny...this is how Heidi's hair looked after a nap.
"Hmmm...what can I get into?"

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Carving the "Pun-tin"

We finally had an hour where we were all together in the house and could carve Heidi's pumpkin...and yes, it was really only an hour. I had to rush to a YW meeting

right afterwards.

Heidi enjoyed the whole ooey, gooey experience.

But let's be honest...she enjoyed the newspaper covering the floor far more.

The finished product certainly isn't a masterpiece, but we didn't have much time. The important thing was giving it a heart nose, because as it turns out, hearts are Heidi's favorite shape. She points them out wherever we go.

Heidi loves her "pun-tin" even more now that it has a face.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Family Pictures

For the longest time I have been trying to set an appointment to get some family pictures. The lady I was going to use never had days that would work for us and when there finally was one, she got sick. Since the weather is supposed to get nasty next week, I sent a text to my friend saying, "Get your family ready for some pictures at Scott's Bottom. We'll take yours and you take ours." Luckily she was game so we went down and got some pictures. I'm excited to see the ones on their camera because they have a professional one, but here are a few sneak peaks on our camera. I was happy with how they turned out!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Day at the "Pun-tin" Patch

Heidi went and picked a pumpkin out with her dad at the grocery store while I was at work one day. Little did we know she would become obsessed with pumpkins and the word, "pun-tin". When we go for walks, she points at any house with a pumpkin on the porch and excitedly screams her new word. She has now found a new love for her "Biscuit's Halloween" book.

Since we finally had a day where we were both off, we decided we should take her to the little pumpkin patch. Oh my goodness...this girl ran around like crazy pointing excitedly shouting, "pun-tin, pun-tin!!" It was just too cute. The pumpkins sadly were very overpriced so we walked out with two very, very tiny ones that she could carry around the house. Another good dollar spent at our house.

Friday, October 14, 2011


...she runs as fast as she can to escape when I say, "bathtime" and runs squealing out of the bathroom when she's stripped to the diaper....she brings me my shoes or Jeff his hat when she wants to go outside.

...she hides behind her favorite chair, but more importantly she hides things she doesn't like behind her favorite chair.

... she is still obsessed with books and brings them to you wherever you are saying, "bwoo" in the sweetest voice so you just can't turn her down. Then she forces herself into your lap to be read to. If she is ignored the first time, she will force the book into your hands. It is very obvious which ones are her favorites and she can select any book you tell her. "Go get the moon book" and she will run to her room and grab "On the Night you were born". "Go get the ladybug book" and she will run to her room and grab "The Grouchy Ladybug", etc.

...she patiently endures her dad bundling her up in this funny snowsuit when it's cold so she can go help him outside. Thankfully it's been a little warmer these days, because when I saw this picture and saw what was happening and how she was dressed while I was away at work I nearly peed my pants. Can you say Christmas Story?

...she loves to hide, play peek-a-boo, and try to stand up in her little tunnel. (No, she is not nakie, she has a diaper on. She just happened to be hiding in there when she tried to escape from the bath).

...she has discovered that splashing in the tub and "swimming" are actually pretty fun and that getting out of the tub isn't all it's cracked up to be--it only took 13 1/2 months to get to this point.

...she understands nearly everything you say. She especially loves it if you ask her where your ears are. She likes to take her hand and turn your head to the side and grab your ear while laughing any time you ask, "where are mom's/dad's ears?"

...she talks up a storm. Most of the words she says come from all the books we read. Some of her favorites include, "moon, dada, duda (duck), bus, dar (car), dare dare (care bear), AR AR! (her word for dog), eye, bub (bubbles), nigh nigh, boo (boots), uh oh, bu (ladybug), bwoa (book), hi (always accompanied with a wave), wugga (worm), and plenty more that I can't remember right now.

...she rearranges everything. She loves to take things and pile them neatly in a new place and then clap for herself.

...she sticks her feet in your face and laughs hysterically when you say, "Heidi, do your feet stink?" (My personal favorite thing she has been doing lately).

This tiny little thing is full of personality and we love watching her transform from a baby to a toddler.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Best Dollar I Ever Spent

Sometimes at the grocery store there are carts with great deals in the entrance. I never really look at these carts because I am usually on a mission to get what I need. One day a few weeks ago Jeff and I were walking in and a cart full of bubbles caught my eye. The huge bottle of bubbles was only $1 so I thought, why not? I've seen much smaller bottles going for far more than $1.

Jeff thought I was crazy, but I just had a feeling Heidi would love bubbles so much that she would need a lifetime supply. I figured we would at the very least get a dollars worth of fun.

I had no idea just how much Heidi would love bubbles. We keep them in the garage and every time we go out, all we hear is "BUB! BUB! BUB!! BBBUUUUUUUUBBBBBBB!!" What can I say, the girl loves her bubbles.

Heidi has even been known to stand at the door to the garage shouting for one of two things: 1. da da and 2. bub bub.

She loves to carry the bubble blower around the yard and then bring it to you when she's ready for more. She loves to pop the bubbles that don't pop when they hit the grass. But mostly it's a convenient excuse to be outside. I am really not sure what we are going to do at our house when winter hits because this girl is definitely into the great outdoors.

If you want Heidi to be your friend, just act like you're going outside and she will jump for you. All Jeff has to do is put on his hat and she is convinced he will be the gateway to the outdoors, and of course, her bub bubs.

I had to throw this picture in because is it just me, or does she have the cutest hair ever? I cannot get over how much she has. It seems so unusual to have so much at 1 since it is so light. Now if only she would keep her grabby hands off the bows and ponies!

Also, if you look closely (especially at the first picture) you can still see a slight reaction to the peanut butter from the day before. UGH!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

No Peanuts, please

Well, apparently you should not give this little one peanuts, peanut butter, peanut oil, or anything peanut.

When Heidi had her one-year well child I asked about peanuts. No allergies in the family so the doctor said it was a go. I was still nervous and researched it a bit wondering why they recommended later. A lot of people think if you give it later, the are less likely to develop the allergy. Recent research suggests otherwise-no correlation, just better if they do have the allergy because they can communicate symptoms better.

So anyway, you may or may not know that Heidi is the pickiest eater on the planet...just like her daddy. Everything comes shooting right out as soon as it goes in. Finding anything she will even try is a huge undertaking. Long story short, I was eating a pb and j sandwich as I was rushing to get to the parade. Heidi was begging. I gave her a taste. She seemed to like it but I noticed she had two little red splotches under her lower lip. I wondered about allergies since I am ultra paranoid because of all the kids I have seen with the allergy at school. Then today she was again refusing to eat ANYTHING. The only thing she ate today was a few spoonfuls of yogurt in the morning. So I tried the pb and j again. Bad idea. This time her whole face was getting splotchy and she was rubbing her eyes like crazy. Within a few seconds I thought her eyes were going to seal shut they were so puffy and bloodshot. Jeff was sleeping and I was in serious panic mode. I called the pediatrician on-call and they told me to give her 1 tsp. of benedryl (thank goodness I had some from when she was having reactions to sunscreen...I never gave her any, but on a whim I picked some up just in case because she has seemed to sensitive to quite a few things). I gave her a bath and washed her hands and face really well. Then it was time for her nap and I panicked the entire time she was sleeping. Bless you video investment EVER. She was still a little red looking when she woke up, but was acting fine and her eyes looked better. We went to her little buddy's birthday party and she looked back to herself by the time the party was over. I am still a bit on the paranoid side and have a feeling I won't be sleeping well tonight...especially since J is working.

So, that's it. Now I just need to figure out where to go from here. The pediatrician said the blood test isn't a great idea until they are a little older. She said to rub a little pb on her arm in a few days and see what happens. Supposedly the reactions get worse with each exposure so that makes sense as to why the second time she ate a bite of the sandwich was so much worse than the first. I am scared about where to go from here, how bad the allergy actually is, how I will figure out what she can and can't eat, etc. At the same time, I am grateful the reaction wasn't worse. We have no idea how serious the allergy really is, and of course are hoping for a very mild allergy that she will grow out of before school. In the meantime, if you're around my little Heidi Bug...please don't give her anything with peanuts!