Is it just me or has this summer literally flown by??? I cannot believe it is the end of July. We have been so incredibly busy and Jeff is freaking out because summer is almost over and we have only been four wheeling once and camping ZERO times. What?? He has informed me that we can still go camping through the end of September. Good, I was worried. :)
Anyway, I hate summer weather! I really do. It's cooler where we live than Utah, but I still hate it. I just hate that you have to time and plan when you will do everything. These are often the thoughts I have, "Better get up and run before 6 so it won't be too hot by mile 8" or "Better go weed now before it's too hot to haul the trashcan around" or "Better start cooking now before the house gets too hot" or "I sure would like to go for a walk, but I won't get around the block without turning 4 shades of red and have sweat pouring from every pour" ...etc etc. I just love fall weather. You can go and do anything you want outside at about any time of day and be comfortable. Why can't we just have two season--fall and spring. Yet they seem to be the shortest. Annoying!!
However, even though I hate the weather, I am not ready for summer to end. I love having the freedom to work when I want to and get things that have been neglected done. Here is a taste of what we have been up to since our big vacation:
*I have been making Christmas cards with my friend so that I will actually send them out this year! Christmas time is just too crazy.
*We installed new carpet in our entire house. This ended up being a two week project of moving furniture, ripping out old carpets and pads, scraping old pads, moving furniture back, having strange people in my home, having my home smell like smoke, etc etc etc!
*We put more sod on one side of our back lawn. We ripped out...okay, Jeff ripped out, an overgrown side of plants that at one time must have been pretty but were so weed infested, we decided we would just rather have more yard.
*Watering, watering, watering the sod in spite of the heat. Can't wait for our next water will probably be like having another house payment. Water up here is expensive.
*Cleaning. I feel like I clean the house every day in the summer.
*Scrapbooking. Catching up on last year. I still have to develop and scrapbook our most recent vacation.
*Cleaning up a mini-flood. The hose on the toliet in the master bedroom decided to break and send water all over the place and start pouring down in the basement in a matter of five minutes. I am sooooo grateful I was home! Luckily we really didn't have too much damage and it happened the week before we got new carpet. That really was a blessing!
*Doctors. We have been going back and forth to Utah more than we would like to try and fix our problems. I've been grateful to have a summer where I don't have to worry about getting time off and am worried for how things will work when I am back working. I found a really great doctor. Sorry I never call or tell anyone when we come down. A lot of times it is unknown until the day before and then we are rushing back so Jeff can get back to work.
*Getting ready for a new school year. Not as much as I should be, but I have done my fair share of cutting, coloring, and glueing!
*Getting Jeff ready for a four day back packing adventure with his buddies.
*Young takes a lot of time!
*Training for a half marathon.
*Jeff being ON CALL. So annoying!!! Some weekends we are just stuck home because Jeff is on call. Why are engineers on call? Seriously. I thought that's something doctors did. He's on call at Thanksgiving too so that really stinks.
*Gardening. We put manure in our garden and we now have a freakishly large garden. I hope the vegetables are also freakishly large when it comes time to harvest.
The rest of the summer is going to spent mostly getting ready for school and we have a few camping trips planned that hopefully won't have to postponed. I really hope fall weather comes early this year, but fall itself can wait a little longer. I have a lot to do!