So now it's time to catch up. The week before Thanksgiving Jeff had a conference in Utah and I decided to go with him to get some shopping done and because I was dying to go visit Pony and all my good friends! Visiting the Pony definitely did not disappoint. I had a blast visiting so many people that have made me a better person. I miss all of you Ponyites so much! I feel so lucky that I was able to teach at such a wonderful place with so many wonderful people. My very best friends definitely come from my experiences there. That night a few us went to Chilis and then to J-Hart's house for some great times. Thank you everyone for helping me have such a special day!
The next weekend we came back to Utah for Thanksgiving at Jeff's parent's house. We had a great time with DELICIOUS food! Thanks Peggy! I love Thanksgiving.
Now that we have been back, we have been in the routine of, work, getting ready for Christmas, math classes, mentoring classes, church callings, and day to day life--you know cleaning toilets, laundry...the good stuff.
I had high hopes of putting together Christmas cards this year but it doesn't look like it is going to happen. Over the break I am going to make my cards for next year so I will be prepared! I hope everyone is doing well and having a great holiday season so far!