room I showed you last post. It is a decent size and like everything else, it is in really good condition. For the area, prices, and selection of homes we really feel like we got the best one available. The kitchen has all white walls and I am planning on painting it. Probably a taupe color. I will be painting in winter when yard work can't be done! For now, it is yard, yard, yard!
And now for the is the downstairs off the kitchen leading to the basement. I don't know how well you can see the start of the lovely wallpaper, but it is only the beginning. My mom will be here Saturday and depending on what we get to, the plan is to have the wallpaper down. We love having a basement and feel so lucky that our house has a lot of useable space. Others that we looked at were just wacky. You know, like spas in basements...what the? I know it's nothing like a brand new home, or what we could have gotten in Utah for what we paid, but it is a great start for us and like I mentioned before, we love the peace and quiet! I can't get enough of the running trails and I love walking to the grocery store. There is an awesome rec center in walking distance that I will use in the winter. We even get a discount with Jeff's work and mine. It's just like a gym with classes, equipment and everything but will cost less than $20/month. I will probably only have the membership for the winter because right now, the outdoor recreation can't be beat! Megan, you will laugh. I think I might want a bike for my bday but just a "her" bike because we already have a "his". Jeff and I love exploring new places to see (when he's not working) and there is a lot of hiking and of course, Jeff cannot wait to check out the camping and four wheeling. Speaking of four wheeling, I saw someone on a four wheeler on the main road. Do you know what that means? It means, I just might be able to take Jeff's four wheeler to work--HA HA! Unless of course we get a horse....all kidding aside, we haven't even gone through a tank of gas since being here. How awesome is that?! We can walk pretty much everywhere and when we do drive, there is no traffic. Going 10 miles really does take less than 5 minutes. The traffic part of Utah I definitely do not miss.
The other thing I love so far is our ward. Everyone is so friendly and people come by to say hello and drop off treats. We feel so included. We have decided there are perks to living in a small town no one knows about.
Thank you for not forgetting me! Oh and by the by, those of you with little ones. If you ever want to come up, even for a day trip, you should. There are at least 6 different parks in this little town. One of them shoots up water for the kids to play in. They have a story telling thing at the library that they do at the park once a week and they fly people in from other places to do special little events for this library thing. This week it's someone from Seattle that does things with sound or something. I never heard of that before, but then again, I don't have kids so I don't really know if that's normal. I will probably post the rest of the house later this week.